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1. Eco Brite Cleaning Services Ltd (hereafter referred to as Eco Brite) agrees to furnish all labour, equipment, supplies and supervision necessary to provide cleaning services to the Named Areas. Eco Brite will select all personnel to perform its obligation hereunder. The personnel shall be employees, franchises or sub-contractors of Eco Brite. Invoices will be calculated per calendar month unless agreed otherwise.
2. The customer shall provide free of charge: all necessary light, hot water and other facilities as distinct from materials which may be required to enable Eco Brite to carry out the work and suitable and safe accommodation for such equipment and materials as Eco Brite deems necessary to leave on the customer’s premises.
3. The customer shall permit Eco Brite, its employees, franchisees and sub-contractors access to the Named Areas and other facilities as set out in the Cleaning Schedule at all reasonable times to permit the supply of the contracted cleaning services. If Eco Brite is prevented or in some way obstructed by the customer, its staff or agents, from supplying the contracted cleaning services it will be treated as having performed such services and the sum due for the provision of such services will be payable by the customer in the ordinary terms.
4. Eco Brite’s Price Match Guarantee is valid against all like for like quotations from other VAT registered companies with whom the same specification has been quoted for on the same service basis.
5. All quotations are given by Eco Brite following a request by the Client and shall remain open to acceptance for a period of 90 days from their date. If Eco Brite undertake work(s) on verbal or other form of instruction and where a client omits to forward the Company’s signed acceptance form, this service basis will apply for the full contractual term.
6. The customer agrees to pay Eco Brite on 15 day terms from invoice date for all amounts dues for service rendered during the previous month and for supplies delivered.
7. Eco Brite shall be entitled to cancel or suspend this contract immediately and without penalty in the event of the customer exceeding stated credit terms after prior written notice to the customer.
8. Service on Bank or Public Holidays is excluded from any quotations unless specifically stated otherwise.
9. The customer warrants, covenants and agrees that during the term of this agreement and within 90 days after termination of the agreement (for whatever reason), the customer or third party will not knowingly engage in business, employ or solicit the employment of any current or ex employees, franchisees, sub-contractors or agents of Eco Brite. Should you wish to employ one of Eco Brite’s current or ex employees directly within a period of 90 days of the termination of this agreement or during the period of the agreement the client agrees to pay the sum of £500 net per employee as an introduction fee to Eco Brite.
10. The contract is for an initial period of 3 months from the date of commencement and shall continue thereafter until determined by either party giving to the other one months prior notice. Failure by the client to give the requisite notice shall render the Client liable to the Company in damages for breach of contract.
11. On each anniversary of the Effective Date, the customer agrees that the Contract Amount may be increased by Eco Brite to reflect changes to the Consumer Price Index, such increase (if any) to be notified by Eco Brite to the customer in writing. The customer agrees that Eco Brite may increase the labour element of the weekly charge, if and when the Government order a mandatory Minimum Wage Increase. This will be implemented on the day that the increase is ordered to be effective after having given the client 30 days notice in writing.
12. Paper products, bin liners, soap and any other consumable products can be supplied by Eco Brite and invoiced separately as and when the client requires them unless otherwise agreed.
13. Any failure by Eco Brite to perform its obligations under this agreement through circumstances of force majeure including but not limited to fire, explosion, accident, mechanical breakdown, interruption to the supply of materials, epidemic, industrial dispute or any other causes outside Eco Brite’s control will not constitute a breach of this agreement by Eco Brite.
14. This agreement may be terminated by the customer for material breach by Eco Brite. Before termination is effective the customer must give written notice of the breach by Eco Brite and must allow 7 working days for Eco Brite to rectify the breach. If the breach is not rectified within such period, the customer may notify Eco Brite in writing of it’s termination of this agreement by giving 30 days notice in writing. The Client Quality Form will be used as a measure of the service received by the client in cases of dispute.


Eco-friendly commercial and office cleaning specialists, serving Hull & Yorkshire

Head Office

The Bloc, Springfield Way, Anlaby,
HU10 6RJ

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Operating Hours

Mon - Thurs: 8am - 4pm
Fri: 8am - 1pm

Hull: 01482 646770
01472 476212
Scunthorpe: 01724 514252

© 2024 Eco Brite

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